sglux, founded in 2003, is a team of scientists, engineers and production, quality & logistics professionals. Together we have over 140 years of experience in the field of development, production and calibration of UV measuring components. We are united by the passion to produce simply good UV sensors – since a couple of years we do this in our own building in Berlin-Adlershof, Germany’s biggest science and technology park. Our customers appreciate our expert knowledge, our strong customer orientation and our solution expertise in the value chain of the UV measurement. Our range is a modular conception and extends from the production of SiC photodiode wafers, SiC photodiodes and SiC hybrids (TOCONs) to IoT ready sensor probes, radiometers and PTB-certified calibration standards.
This worldwide unique modular conception allows to produce customized concepts also in low quantity without additional costs or extended delivery time. Cooperating with governmental authorities and research institutes we continuously scrutinize the properties and the reliability of our products and present the results in common publications. Since 2013 our company is ISO 9001 certified. We do our calibration work according to the guidelines DAkkS 71 SD 0 025 and ISO 17025.

Our Japanese distributor IR System represented by Mrs. Yuyu Kimura is presenting a selection of sglux products at the InterAqua fair in Tokyo.
Because the certificate looks so nice and official we decided to register the brand name sglux after more than 21 years.
sglux receives funding for the purchase of an electricity storage system from the EENergy program of the European Union
First SiC APDs from sglux
As part of the BMBF KMU Innovativ SiC4Flame project – FZK02P22K030 – sglux has produced the first SiC avalanche photodiodes (APDs) on 150 mm wafers together with Fraunhofer IISB Erlangen. In close cooperation with the Fraunhofer IISB team, sglux’ PhD student Felix Beier has developed a production-ready process for SiC APDs with a SACM device structure. The SiC APDs with diameters of 100 µm, 200 µm, 300 µm and 500 µm have a breakdown voltage of approximately Vbr=162.5 V and exhibit a gain m = 100 at 95% of the breakdown voltage V95%. The dark current at V95% is below 0.2 nA/mm². This means that SiC APDs have significantly better values than Si-based APDs and are also insensitive to visible radiation. Please contact us for samples for your application.
Beautification of our website
Together with Knut Weström (graphic design), Jo Jankowski (photography) and Gregor Wendland (web development) we have embellished our website. Many thanks to you three.
“Girl’s Day @ sglux”
The Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth and the Federal Ministry of Education and Research called on German companies to give schoolgirls in year 7 the opportunity to immerse themselves in their working world for a day on 25.04.24. sglux took part. Two schoolgirls from Adlershof had the challenge of designing and to build a complex LED circuit based on a 535nm LED. The picture shows that they succeeded brilliantly. We hope that the two girls will be interested in pursuing a technical education in the future.
Manufacturers and installers in the field of water disinfection often need quick help in finding a replacement for specially configured UV duty sensors. We have established a system which allows us to offer customized configurations in terms of connectors, pin assignment, signal output or digital protocol, regardless of the quantity.
On November 14th at the 322. PTB seminar on VUV and EUV metrology sglux’ senior scientist Niklas Papathanasiou gave a talk on “SiC-based pin-type photodiode with shallow emitter for radiation measurements below 200nm – device structure, characterisation and applications”. These photodiodes allow irradiance measurements down to 145nm as certified by the Metrological Light Source of PTB. The seminar covered the latest results from industrial applications of EUV radiation for lithography and metrology.
2023 UV-REF-LED now available
A UV sensor needs to be calibrated before use. For small and only occasional quantities, this is done by our calibration laboratory. For larger quantities, this process can become impractical or uneconomical. For these cases, we provide our customers with a device with which the sensors are adjusted or calibrated. The UV-REF-LED consists of a transfer standard and a UV LED radiation source.
Calibration of DVGW sensors for water disinfection: Measuring Uncertainties in UV Radiometry
At the 324th PTB seminar, titled ‘Calculation of Measurement Uncertainty – Recommendations for Practice’, our head of the calibration laboratory, Dr Niklas Papathanasiou, provided insights into the calibration of DVGW sensors for water disinfection. The seminar was held at PTB Berlin (LINK). The presentation primarily focused on the challenges of measuring UV radiation with uncertainty.
The event brought together 121 experts from various fields, including calibration and testing laboratories, authorities, and metrology institutes. The program provided insights into various facets of measurement uncertainty, from new guidelines to digitalisation.
SiC photodiodes with sensitivity for wavelengths <200nm (VUV)
After three years of development work, the new SiC photodiode series “SG03” is introduced to the market. The pn junction of this new diode is manufactured using the modern ion implantation process. This process allows the depletion zone to be defined in the immediate vicinity of the chip surface. This significantly reduces the loss rate for light quanta with wavelengths below 200nm. Applications are in the field of detection of 172nm excimer sources or 185nm sources used for decomposition of fat.
The sglux GmbH is founding member of the industrial association “AG-LUV UVC-Technologie e.V.” (Website currently only in German language available). Goal of this association is to refine the knowledge in the area of UVC air disinfection by means of scientific methods and, based on this new level of awareness, to elaborate guidances to the public. sglux supports its work in the area of UV dose measurement and hazard assessment.
Since a couple of months chief inspector Jan-Hinrich Reuter (Wismar police) and Dr. Helene Sturbeck (coroner of the city of Wismar) investigate murder cases in our house.
Do you like to know where UV sensors work and for which applications the sglux team eagerly works? The magicians here may give you a pleasure.
OPIE ’21
Our Japanese distributor IR System represented by Mr. Yu Shibata is presenting a selection of sglux products at the OPIE ´21 fair in Yokohama.
Since April 2021 sglux is member of the “DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e. V.“, the German national organization for standardization and Germany’s ISO member body. We enrich the standards committee „light engineering“ with our knowledge skill. Our head of calibration laboratory, Dr. Niklas Papathanasiou is now active member of the board „optical radiation“ (NA 058-00-07 AA). This board works in the field of radiation physics and light engineering (DIN 5031) in particular in the area of UV radiation caused skin damage (ISO 17166, erythema action curve). Other application areas of this board are the management and improvement of the UV water disinfection standard ISO 19294 (former guideline DVGW W294) and of the UV disinfection guidelines of air (ASD-STAN/D 12/WG 4).
Special sglux SiC UV photodiode starts working on Mars
Millions of times our UV sensors provide reliable services – since February 18, 2021 even at a workplace several hundred million kilometers away: With the landing of the rover “Perseverance” on Mars, photodiodes specially developed by us for NASA started monitoring the function of the world’s first Deep UV (DUV) resonance Raman and fluorescence spectrometer UV called “Sherloc”.
August 2020 Photon Collection now improved
Since founding of the company, it is almost 20 years ago, we sold millions of UV photodiodes. And each photodiode collects photons and converts it into an electrical power.
However, we discovered that the amount of photons collected with all of our UV photodiodes is quite low compared with other methods. So, we concluded to change this situation and to heavily increase the numbers of photons collected by sglux. As a result, since some weeks 10 kW photovoltaic modules at the roof of our company collect photons. This made sglux to a multi photon collecting company. At the roof we collect photons and in the house we use these photons to produce UV sensors collecting photons everywhere in the world.
June 2020 The production of the sglux “UV-Sanitize” started. According to the WHO worldwide hundreds of millions hospitalized patients are affected by healthcare-associated infections (HAI). Hygienic rules and precautions are necessary to prevent patients of HAIs which also include multiple drug resistant germs. Besides chemical treatments, sterilization of surfaces by using UVC radiation from Hg low pressure or pulsed Xenon sources is widespread in hospitals and medical facilities. This is realized with irradiation chambers for smaller parts, fixed lamp systems or mobile irradiance robots to sterilize complete hospital rooms. Especially the latter systems need the collaboration with a UV sensor measuring the germicidal radiation in certain points of a room to teach the systems and the user about the UVC distribution inside a treated room. With the sglux sensor “UV-Sanitize”, treatment times and germicidal dose can be evaluated and optimized and less treated parts of rooms can be determined.
May 2020 The production of the sglux “Safester UVC” started. This radiometer is an instrument for hazard assessment of artificial UVC radiation at workplaces.
08 – 11 March, 2020. Together with our U.S. sales partner Boston Eletronics Cooperation we exhibited at the 2020 RadTech/IUVA conference in Orlando (U.S.A). On our common booth we presented new sensor probe solutions for permanent UV radiation control of UV curing lamps at high probe temperatures of up to 350°C.
23. January 2020 „Spectrum – the most dangerous artwork”
The sglux engineers tested the UV radiation at artwork “spectrum” for safety of human skin and eyes.
22. June 2019. The mayor of Leverkusen, Uwe Richrath, is pleased to announce that his city has been honored as a “Clever in the Sun and Shade” partner of the Deutsche Krebshilfe e.V.. On the “UV Protection Day” at the NaturGut Ophoven, the city of Leverkusen received the first autonomous solar-powered UV index measuring station, which will provide the population with up-to-date UV index readings from the roof of the city administration.
15 years sglux – On 08 May 2018, we have celebrated our anniversary in a festive evening event.
May 2017, since weeks dark clouds over Berlin. Not even some minutes clear sky condition required for a ISO 17166 compliant UV Index calibration of our UV sensors. Always in duty for our customers, Dr. Niklas Papathanasiou, our head of calibration laboratoy jumped into a plane and did the calibration at the beach of Barcelona, 2000km South-West of Berlin.
September 09, roofing ceremony
We purchased an estate (1.360m²) in Berlin-Adlershof. With felling of trees on February 10 we started to work on the construction of our new building for production, research, development and sales of UV measuring components.
Influence of the partial eclipse (Berlin, 20.03.2015) on the local UV-Index. The data were obtained by an sglux ERYCA UV-Index observation station at the roof of our building. For further information please check the sglux UV-Index page HERE.
Production of the world’s first SiC based UV spectrometer used e.g. for UV LED property control or for scientific determination of the UV-Index.
Yvonne, the sglux vice head of production and an enthusiastic soccer player welcomed the German World Champions at the Berliner Fanmeile.
Presentation of a new PTB certified Calibration Standard for water purification UV sensors at the fair Aquatech 2013 in Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
DIN ISO 9001 Certification
10 years sglux – On 08 May 2013, we have celebrated our anniversary in a festive evening event.
Acquisition of EPIGAP Sensorik UG (manufacturer of UV sensor probes for water purification UV sensors).
2011 – 2013
R&D project “Development of a SiC based visible blind high dynamic range UV spectrometer module” (BMWi EP102409).
Production of the UVTOUCH, a digital measurement data based touch-screen controlled UV radiometer / UV dosimeter.
Re-location to Berlin-Adlershof
2010 – 2012
R&D project “Development of a PTB certified Calibration Standard for water purification UV sensors” in cooperation with Physikalisch Technische Bundesanstalt in Braunschweig (PTB). (BMWi KF2303704RR9)
Production of digital CAN based UV sensors
The Physikalisch Technische Bundesanstalt in Braunschweig (PTB) analysed high radiation hardness of the sglux SiC UV photodiode types.
Production of SiC UV photodiode wafers
2008 – 2010
R&D project “Development of a production process of SiC UV photodiode wafers” in cooperation with Leibniz Institute Ferdinand-Braun-Institute and Leibniz Institute for Crystal Growth. (BMWi KF2194601DB9)
Production of SiC based amplified hybrid photosensors (TOCONs)
Production of electronic UV sensor probes
Production of SiC UV photodiodes based on CREE chips
Innovation Award Berlin-Brandenburg granted for successful mass market introduction of a new TiO2 based UV photodiode
Production of TiO2 UV photodiode wafers
A team of scientists and technicians experienced in the area of optical semiconductor development founded in 2003 the sglux GmbH. Closely cooperating with research institutes and in partnership with the customer, their work was inspired and driven by the will to transfer scientific innovation into the market of UV sensing components.
We currently have no vacancies.
11. – 14. March 2025
RAI Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Booth: 01.212
29. January – 31. January 2025
Conference Tower, Tokyo Big Sight, Japan
represented by IR SYSTEM CO., LTD
Booth: 2R-05
28. January – 30. January 2025
The Moscone Center
San Francisco, California, USA
represented by Boston Electronics Cooperation
20. – 24. May 2024
Orlando, Florida, USA
represented by Boston Electronics Cooperation
Stand: 217
31. January – 2. February 2024
Conference Tower, Tokyo Big Sight, Japan
represented by IR SYSTEM CO., LTD
Booth: 7JJ-15
27. January – 01. February 2024
The Moscone Center
San Francisco, California, USA
represented by Boston Electronics Cooperation
06. – 09. November 2023
RAI Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Booth: 2.400
IR+UV EXPO (Applied Technology)
19. – 21. April 2023
Pacifico Yokohama
Osaka, Japan
represented by IR SYSTEM CO., LTD
1. – 3. February 2023
East Hall / Conference Tower, Tokyo Big Sight, Japan
represented by IR SYSTEM CO., LTD
Speech: Approaches of LED in-line measurements and its traceable calibration.
7. – 9. December 2022
INTEX Osaka, Japan
represented by IR SYSTEM CO., LTD
09. – 11. November 2022
Tokyo Metropolitan Trade Center
Minato-ku, Tokyo, Japan
represented by IR SYSTEM CO., LTD
Booth: 3U-03
28. – 29. June 2022
San Jose, California, USA
represented by Boston Electronics Cooperation
Booth: 1012
15. – 17. June 2022
Tokyo Big Sight, Japan
represented by IR SYSTEM CO., LTD
IR+UV EXPO (Applied Technology)
20. – 22. April 2022
Pacifico Yokohama
Osaka, Japan
represented by IR SYSTEM CO., LTD
22. – 26. March 2022
Sagamihara Campus, Aoyama Gakuin University
Kanagawa, Japan
represented by IR SYSTEM CO., LTD
16. – 18. March 2022
Tokyo Big Sight, Japan
represented by IR SYSTEM CO., LTD
26. – 28. January 2022
East Hall / Conference Tower, Tokyo Big Sight, Japan
represented by IR SYSTEM CO., LTD
Booth: 5D-01
22. January – 27. January 2022
The Moscone Center
San Francisco, California, USA
represented by Boston Electronics Cooperation
19. – 21. January 2022
Tokyo Big Sight, Japan
represented by IR SYSTEM CO., LTD
17. – 19. November 2021
Tokyo Metropolitan Trade Center
Minato-ku, Tokyo, Japan
represented by IR SYSTEM CO., LTD
Booth 3U-09
08. – 10. November 2021
Makuhari Messe
Chiba-city, Chiba Japan
represented by IR SYSTEM CO., LTD
Booth S-9
27. – 29. October 2021
Tokyo Big Sight
Koto City, Tokyo, Japan
represented by IR SYSTEM CO., LTD
Booth 2B-31
IR+UV EXPO (Applied Technology)
30. June – 2. July 2021
Pacifico Yokohama
Osaka, Japan
represented by IR SYSTEM CO., LTD
24. – 26. February 2021
Osaka, Japan
represented by IR SYSTEM CO., LTD
Conference paper & Speech: „UV aging behavior of AlGaN and SiC UV photodiodes“ and fair booth
8. – 11. March 2020
Disney Coronado Springs
Orlando, Florida, USA
Presentation: Measuring UV irradiances
30. November 2018
MOTORWORLD Area Stuttgart
Stuttgart, Germany
Presentation 1: A new instrument for the hazard assessment of UV radiation
Presentation 2: UV Index measurements with SiC-based radiometers
3. – 6. September 2018
Dresden, Germany
Presentation: UV measurements for medical applications using SiC photodiodes
23. – 24. April 2018
Pacifico Yokohama Congress Center, Japan
Presentation: Quantification of harmful UV LED radiation at workplaces
22. – 25. April 2018
Melia Hotel Berlin
Berlin, Germany
30. January – 1. February 2018
The Moscone Center
San Francisco, California, USA
Presentation: Degradation of opaque quartz-glass diffusers under high intensity UV irradiation
17. – 20. September 2017
Valamar Lacroma Hotel
Dubrovnik, Croatia
31. January – 2. February 2017
The Moscone Center
San Francisco, California, USA
Stand 814
11. – 13. October 2016
Messe Berlin
Berlin, Germany
19. – 21. April 2016
Baltimore Convention Center
Baltimore, Maryland, USA
07. – 12. February 2015
The Moscone Center
San Francisco, California, USA
Stand 917
18. – 20. March 2014
Messe Berlin
Berlin, Germany
Stand 14.1/202
01. – 06. February 2014
The Moscone Center
San Francisco, California, USA
Stand 811
05. – 08. November 2013
Amsterdam RAI Exhibition Centre
Amsterdam, Netherlands
05. – 07. February 2013
The Moscone Center
San Francisco, California, USA
Stand 817
21. – 26. January 2012
The Moscone Center
San Francisco, California, USA
Stand 330
23. – 26. May 2011
Neue Messe München
Munich, Germany
Stand B2/227
25. – 27. January 2011
The Moscone Center
San Francisco, California, USA
Stand 330
12. – 14. May 2010
Messe Katowice
Katowice, Poland
Stand A05
23. – 28. January 2010
The Moscone Center
San Francisco, California, USA
Stand 914
14. – 15. October 2009
Coventry – England
United Kingdom
Stand C01
24. – 29. January 2009
San Jose Convention Center
San Jose, California, USA
Stand A2510
30. September – 03. October 2008
Amsterdam RAI Exhibiton Center
Amsterdam, Netherlands
Stand 02.109
Optoelectronics Industry Exposition (ILOPE)
20. – 22. November 2007
China International Exhibition Center, Peking
Beijing, China
Stand 8A02a
17. – 18. October 2007
Coventry – England
United Kingdom
Stand B06
Innovation Award Berlin-Brandenburg granted for successful market introduction of a new TiO2 based UV photodiode.
since April 2021 sglux is member of the “DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e. V.“, the German national organization for standardization and Germany’s ISO member body. We enrich the standards committee „light engineering“ with your knowledge skill. Our head of calibration laboratory, Dr. Niklas Papathanasiou ist now active member of the board „optical radiation“ (NA 058-00-07 AA). This board works in the field of radiation physics and light engineering (DIN 5031) in particular in the area of UV radiation caused skin damage (ISO 17166, erythema action curve). Other application areas of this board is the management and improvement of the UV water disinfection standard ISO 19294 (former guideline DVGW W294) and of the UV disinfection guidelines of air (ASD-STAN/D 12/WG 4).
Goal of the industrial association “AG-LUV UVC-Technologie e.V.” is to refine the knowledge in the area of UVC air disinfection by means of scientific methods and, based on this new level of awareness, to elaborate guidances to the public. The sglux GmbH is founding member of AG-LUV and supports its work in the area of UV dose measurement and hazard assessment.
SPIE is an international professional society for optics and photonics technology. It organizes technical conferences, trade exhibitions and continuing education programs for researchers and developers in the light-based fields of physics.
The IUVA provides an international forum for the discussion of all scientific and technological issues that relate to the use of ultraviolet light.
The German Academy for Photobiology and Phototechnology links persons, companies and research institutes that work in the field of photobiology and phototechnology.
OpTec-Berlin-Brandenburg e.V. (OpTecBB) is the competence network for optical technologies and micro-system technology in the region of Berlin-Brandenburg.
The Berlin Chamber of Commerce and Industry represents the Berlin industrial manufacturers.